Trevor Wye's renowned Practice Books For The Flute have been invaluable for flautists for many years. This Omnibus Edition features books 1-6 in one bumper compendium.
Each Practice Book delves into great detail into a different aspect of playing the Flute. Having sold over 1 million copies, the series as a whole is invaluable for amateur or would-be professional flautists, providing in-depth tips on practising and how to overcome specific technical difficulties. The various books within this edition give hugely important information on the following:
Book 1: Tone
Book 2: Technique
Book 3: Articulation
Book 4: Intonation & Vibrato
Book 5: Breathing & Scales
Book 6: Advanced Practice
When combined, this Omnibus Edition of the Practice Books For Flute create a wonderfully comprehensive and well-organised way to become a serious flautist. Within each individual book, Trevor Wye goes into an unparalleled level of detail, laying everything out logically and honestly, so that you are guided through the fine details but the practising itself must come from you.