The Complete Jazz Keyboard Method | Intermediate

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    Great for keyboardists who have learned the basics of jazz harmony and improvisation. introduces modes of the major scale, chord extensions, making the changes

    • Faber & Faber

    2 in stock

    Product No. 11AFAB-45950


    This book is great for keyboardists who have learned the basics of jazz harmony and improvisation. It introduces the modes of the major scale, chord extensions, making the changes, using chromatic and guide tones, chord substitution, "rhythm changes," the blues, altered dominant chords, and more. Continuing the format of Beginning Jazz Keyboard, new concepts are accompanied by etudes and songs for practice. Packed with harmony and improvisation ideas, Intermediate Jazz Keyboard is essential for any serious student of jazz keyboard.

    Companion MP3 audio demonstration tracks are included and can be streamed online or downloaded.






    CHAPTER 1—Review



    7th Chords

    Diatonic Harmony


    Four-Note Voicings

    Shell Voicings

    Bebop-Style Left-Hand Voicings

    Three Note Rootless Voicings

    Rootless Shell Voicings

    Harmonic Analysis



    Lead Sheets

    Trekkin' (Lead Sheet)

    Trekkin' (Two-Handed Chords with Melody on Top)

    Trekkin' (Melody in Right Hand, Chords in Left)

    CHAPTER 2—Modes of the Major Scale

    The Dorian Mode


    The Lydian Mode

    Courtesy Call

    The Mixolydian Mode

    Blues in Bloom

    The Phrygian Mode

    The Locrian Mode

    The Ionian and Aeolian Modes

    Using Modes with Diatonic Progressions

    Struttin' with Fats

    Still Waiting

    CHAPTER 3—Chord Extensions

    Dominant Extensions

    Flex, Extend

    Major Extensions

    Groove for Groove

    Minor and Diminished Extensions

    Bello Scrofani

    Left-Hand Voicings with Extensions

    The Squirrel and the Dog

    Using Other 7th Chords for Voicings with Extensions

    Remember Your Principles

    CHAPTER 4—Making the Changes

    The Role of Rhythm in Making the Changes

    Making the Changes with Modes

    All Them Thangs

    Using Chromatic Tones

    The Bebop Scale

    Da Light at Tadd's House

    Addressing Changes as They Change: Guidetones

    Review: Linking Arpeggios

    At Least / Fifty Feet

    1, 2, 3

    CHAPTER 5—Substitutions

    Tritone Substitution

    Tritone Madness

    Mixing and Matching Major and Minor Harmony

    Mambo Por Eddie Y Chucho

    Using Dominant Chords in Cycles

    Boppin' with J-Mac

    Rhythm Changes

    Rhythm Changes

    Golden Silver

    Pac Man

    Sample Rhythm Changes Solo

    CHAPTER 6—The Blues

    Basic Blues Progression

    Bu's Blues

    Bebop-Style Progression


    "Bird" Blues

    Blues for Bird

    Minor Blues

    Mr Dee Gee

    Non-Traditional Blues Changes

    Newk's Kinda Blues

    Blues Devices and Feel

    When to Use Blues Devices and Feel

    The Phinest Blues

    Commercial Ave and Suydam St

    CHAPTER 7—Altering Dominant 7th Chords

    The b9 Chord

    The #9 Chord

    The b5 Chord

    The #5 Chord

    24 Hours, but Not in a Row

    Double Tension Chords

    Rowles with the Changes

    Chords with Both Altered and Unaltered Extensions

    Long Point

    Sprint the 400

    CHAPTER 8—Comping

    Working Within the Rhythm Section

    Supporting the Soloist

    First Chorus

    First Chorus, Comping

    Third Chorus

    Third Chorus, Comping

    Sixth Chorus

    Sixth Chorus, Comping

    Comping Latin Grooves

    CHAPTER 9—Afterwords

    Carob Powder

    Playing Out and the Jazz Hang




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