The content of these collections is intended for the diatonic accordion. The problem of non-standardization of diatonic accordions will force you above all to compare the arrangement of the notes of your accordion with that of the diatonic accordion that I used. These collections of tablatures are visual supports for the CDs that accompany them. Each song was first recorded at a normal tempo and then at a slower tempo. The repertoire was chosen according to the technical, harmonic and rhythmic interest of each piece.
· Titles: 1-An dro 2-Here is the month of May 3-The hen's march 4-The waltz in Ollu 5-The Mayenne waltz 6-Gleensleeves 7-Subtle perfume 8-Jump at the sun 9-Exercises on a waltz 10-Don't forget 11-Le tourdion 12-Parson's farewell 13-Three sailors 14-Hanter dro 15-La Boquereuse 16-La Bocquereuse 1st voice 17-20 Suite gavotte 21-Scottish by Father Roussel 22-Scottish by Jacquot 23- 25 Kas a Barh 26-Puddleglum's misery 27-Talijanska 28-
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