For every young musician, the first concert is a special experience, and a suitable selection of technically and musically manageable pieces is an important prerequisite for first successes. This collection includes 44 well-known and easy solo pieces that have proved successful over the years. The selection of the mostly original works has been arranged according to epochs, thus providing a small overview of the history of guitar and lute music from John Dowland via Gaspar Sanz to Leo Brouwer.
- H. Neusiedler: Dutch Dance
- G. Mainerio: Italian Dance
- J. Playford: Two Country Dances
- Anonymus: Hungarian Dance
- German Dance
- P. Attaignant: French Dance
- Anonymous: Greensleeves
- Jane Pickering’s Lute Book: What if a day
- J. Dowland: Orlando Sleepeth
- Visee: Minuet
- H. Purcell: Dance from The Fairy Queen
- G. Sanz: Paradetas
- Anonymous: Spagnoletta
- Baltic Dance
- M.-A. Charpentier: Prélude
- J.P. Krieger: Minuett
- J.A. Logy: Minuett
- E.G. Baron: Bourrée
- Anonymous: Folie dEspagne
- D. Aguado: Andantino
- J. Küffner: Andante
- M. Carcassi: Siciliana from Op. 59
- F. Sor: Study, Op. 31/1
- M. Giuliani: Écossaise, Op. 33/10
- Allegretto, Op. 30/15
- F. Carulli: Andantino
- M. Carcassi: Andante from Op. 59
- Anonymus: Spanish Romance
- F. Carulli: Rondo, Op. 241/10
- B. Calatuyud: Vals
- R. Smith-Brindle: Aeolian Mode
- B. Szordikowski: Rondo
- P.V.der Staak: Sword Dance
- Serenata
- L. Brouwer: Estudio 3, Estudio 1
- A. Carlevaro: Microestudio I
- J. Duarte: The Clock from Six Easy Pictures
- M. Vandermaesbrugge: Hésitation from Trois Pièces, Op. 30
- A. Tansman: Toccata
- Traditional: Malaguena