Fun and Games with the Recorder | Tutor Book 3

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    This series provides a carefully planned pathway between first, playful contact with the instrument and professional recorder playing. Book 3

    • Schott

    2 in stock

    Product No. 11AMDS-12594

    Fun and Games with the Recorder is a comprehensive recorder tutor series covering all stages of recorder instruction. Although the recorder is often the instrument with which children will make their first musical discoveries, it is also an instrument of the highest artistic merit. This series of books tries to link these two extremes, providing a carefully planned pathway between first, playful contact with the instrument and professional recorder playing.

    The three Tutor Books are suitable for use both with small groups and for individual tuition. Progress is methodical and is made in small steps, placing great value on consistent work with breathing, sound production and the development of rhythmic security.


    Tutor Books 1, 2 and 3 are complemented by Tune Books 1, 2 and 3. The Tune Books are matched to the stages of learning process of the Tutor Books and provide additional practice pieces and exercises, sometimes with accompaniment.

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