Here are 7 songs from the 2017 3D animated film from Disney/Pixar following the story of a boy named Miguel relating to a 100 year old mystery, including the signature song Remember Me by Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez; original songs Everyone Knows Juanita, Proud Corazón, Un Poco Loco and The World Es Mi Familia by Germaine Franco & Adrian Molina; and more. Includes 8 pages of beautiful full-colour art from the film!
- Everyone Knows Juanita (from COCO)
- La Llorona (from COCO)
- Much Needed Advice (from COCO)
- Proud Corazon (from COCO)
- Remember Me (Ernesto de la Cruz) (from COCO)
- Un Poco Loco (from COCO)
- The World Es Mi Familia (from COCO)