The Very Best Scottish Songs & Ballads | Vol 4 (Lyrics Melody Chords)

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    50 enduring favourites and modern classics from the great Scottish song tradition with lyrics melody line and chords.

    • Waltons

    1841 in stock

    Product No. 11AWAL-1351

    For Vocal & Guitar

    With this beautifully produced and comprehensive 4-volume collection of Scottish songs and ballads, Waltons have expanded their great collections. Each book contains 50 enduring favourites and modern classics from the great Scottish song tradition. From the tragic and celebratory historic ballads to the great poetic love songs and bawdy comic turns, the turbulent political, personal and social history of Scotland can be traced in the great songs and ballads of this wonderful collection. Each book includes charming illustrations and photographs depicting scenes and figures from Scotland's past, as well as a helpful glossary.  

    The Very Best Scottish Songs and Ballads, Volume 4 includes:

    Wi' a Hundred Pipers,  The Rose of Allandale,  Neil Gow's Farewell to Whisky,  Came Ye by Atholl?,  Jenny Dang the Weaver,  I Ainst Loved a Lass,  Peggy Ramsey,  Isle of My Heart,  The Shuttle Rins,  Charlie Is My Darling,  The Massacre of Glencoe,  Meet Me on the Gowan Lea,  The Flowers of the Forest,  My Donald,  Tatties an' Herrin' and many more classic Scottish songs.

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