It is a well-known fact that music makes you feel calm and relaxed. Music is something that has a very unique effect on our blood pressure as well as heart rate and reduces them to make us feel more relaxed and happy. Happy hormones are released through the bloodstream when we play or listen to music and it can be a wonderful escape for you if you suffer from stress often in your life.
One of the best reasons to learn to play music is to increase your cognitive ability. Playing music is a way to stimulate the brain in a way that helps with memory retention and also helps you to learn new things.
Being able to play a piece of music well will make you feel more confident in yourself and your abilities and it can make all the difference to you this year. If you suffer from a lack of confidence in your everyday life you can also use the process of sitting in front of others and playing music to build up your confidence. Getting comfortable playing music in front of others is important and it will make all the difference to you and will bleed into other aspects of your life.
If you have only a small circle of friends, or are considering widening your social circle this year. One way to do this is to attend music lessons and meet other people who are interested in music too. Being around similar people will allow you to make friends who like the same things as you and you could even make friendships that last a lifetime.
The guitar is a fantastic instrument to begin with and offers endless musical possibilities and challenges. It is without a doubt one of the most enriching and exciting experiences you can gift you or your child with and will open the door to an endless array of musical possibilities. Guitar-playing is also beneficial to your overall well-being and mental health in other ways, including helping you develop a greater sense of personal achievement.
Playing the piano offers a plethora of health benefits that will supplement every part of your life.The piano/keyboard is a truly wonderful instrument for children and adults of all ages. Studies show that time spent at the keyboard improves mental health: people who make music experience less anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Piano practice also boosts cognitive and intellectual abilities, which is to say it makes you smarter and activates similar parts of the brain used in spatial reasoning and math. Studying piano has also been shown to amazingly improve memory — particularly verbal memory — and build good habits like focus and perseverance, diligence and creativity.
A person learning the violin reaps many benefits from it. Physically, you gain strength and flexibility in the upper body. Due to developing the skills and muscle memory needed for playing, your arms and fingers get stronger as they learn exciting and new techniques. The violin is also a great instrument to learn because it gives you the freedom to choose what music to play. Violins are found in many different cultures and musical styles from around the world, so you will be able to choose from a large variety of musical styles.
This remarkable instrument is perfect for musical folk and non-musicians alike, and sitting down to learn the ukulele can deliver huge benefits to everyone ranging from small children to the elderly. Because the ukulele is such a small and lightweight instrument it is especially easy for younger children to learn. The tension of the strings is lower on the ukulele, and there are fewer strings to manage, making it easier for beginners of all ages to play. The ukulele is also a great cost effective option if you’re looking for an instrument to experiment with.
Not only is it fun, it’s also great for mental and physical development. A Bodhrán circle can teach children mutual respect, co-operation, listening, coordination and sensitive movement, as well as developing qualities like perseverance, self-discipline and mental agility. It’s also a fantastic way to chill-out, unwind and de-stress as well as being a fantastic social outlet. What’s a music session without the rhythm section anyway?
The tin whistle is a great first instrument for children and adults as it is simple to learn and helps to develop skills that can be used to learn a variety of different instruments. This gives musicians a fantastic starting point in reaching the instrument that they would most like to play.
The tin whistle is also hardwearing and easy to play, which makes it ideal for children as it can keep their attention and withstand being played with, whereas other instruments can be a bit fragile for untrained hands!